
Mid-Career PCN Fellowship: Meet the 2023-24 Fellows

You can read about some of our GP fellows below:

Dr Vibhore Prasad

Vibhore My interest is in the earlier recognition and support for young people with symptoms of mental illness. My project aims to deepen links between providers of education and NHS primary care. I have designed this project in response to the Health and Social Care Act (2022) which requires statutory organisations to work as a seamless integrated care system. I aim to conduct semi-structured conversations with key stakeholders across the system to collect information on their views. I hope to read more deeply about how to implement changes in our systems through influencing commissioning decisions and policy makers. I aim to become more effective at bringing positive change to our care system (not just healthcare) so that, as a community, we can improve access to the right support for young people as early as possible. I will read about the philosophy of mental disorders and consider whether we need to change the language we use across professional boundaries. Perhaps this is needed before we can address the needs of a rising number of young people who are experiencing distress and poor health and social outcomes.

Dr Lorna Filby

IMG 0244 My name is Dr Lorna Filby and I am a salaried GP working in Arrow PCN. I am at the earlier end of my ‘mid career’ having just completed the new to practice fellowship in January. My project is focussed on improving patient education around all aspects of the menopause and I am working with another PCN fellow to develop a ‘one stop’ information resource for patients to access digitally. I am also working to raise awareness of menopause in the workplace and am in the process of trialling a staff menopause forum within Arrow PCN.


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